Thursday, April 05, 2012

Ephesians 1: Adoption, blessings, and too many other good things for one title.

When I think of my son, David, I want to bless him with every good thing I can possibly bestow upon him. Whatever I can give him like wisdom, practical skills, money, a good reputation, my love as a father, and the like I want to go all out with generosity, even with my own life.  I wouldn't hold back anything.  So when I read Ephesians chapter one today, when it says, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ..." it seems overwhelming to think that the Almighty God calls Himself my Father and then stands and speaks eternal words of blessing which actually carry His power and execute His goodwill - toward me.  It says "every spiritual blessing," just like a Father determined to lead His children into every good thing.  His heart is so gripped with imparting blessing to us that when it came down to the choice between satisfying His just and righteous wrath by condemning us or paying the debt Himself, He gave His own Son, Jesus, to suffer and die on the cross, shedding His own blood to redeem us.  And this plan was made before the foundation of the world. It had to have been, since that is when He chose us, "having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself..."  I am unravelled, torn apart, unable to resist my God's strong consolation, sure hope anchored forever by His Word and His blood, and unrelenting goodwill toward me.
